Zend Framework 2 has implemented session mechanism which works quite well, but there are few missing features. One of this features are good handling of session timeout extension.
The case
User logs in at 10:00 AM. Authentication feature (based on Zend\Auth) do all the checkings and finally persists login result in session. There is a session timeout set to 1800 seconds (30 minutes). User works on the website all the time and suddenly he gets logged out at 10:30. That’s truly incorrect, because he was still active.
The goal
Implementation of idle timeout for authentication. If user is active on page, we do constantly extend the session. But once he is inactive during given time he should be logged out after that time.
The try
We can call method rememberMe()
on the Zend\Session\SessionManager object which will of corse set cookie lifetime to new value. Unfortunately this method will also call regenerateId
method, which will delete old session by default. This works almost well, but sometimes session is lost in random time periods. That’s the issue we would like to avoid.
The solution
The only solution for that moment is own implementation of authentication timeouts. To have that we should do couple of things.
Let’s start with adding new configuration value authentication_expiration_time in \config\autoload\global.php
{...} 'session' => array( 'config' => array( 'class' => 'Zend\Session\Config\SessionConfig', 'options' => array( 'name' => 'cookieName', 'cookie_httponly' => true, 'cookie_lifetime' => 3600, 'gc_maxlifetime' => 3600, 'remember_me_seconds' => 3600, ), 'authentication_expiration_time' => 300 ), 'validators' => array( 'Zend\Session\Validator\RemoteAddr', 'Zend\Session\Validator\HttpUserAgent', ), ), {...}
As we can see global timeout for session we have set to 3600 seconds and could be extended to much more, depending on the requirements for service. authentication_expiration_time is set to 300 seconds so user will be logged out after 5 minutes of inactivity.
Next step is to create own session storage class which will extend Zend\Storage\Session:
use Zend\Authentication\Storage; use Zend\Session\Container; class AuthSessionStorage extends Storage\Session { const SESSION_CONTAINER_NAME = 'authContainer'; const SESSION_VARIABLE_NAME = 'authContainerVariable; private $allowedIdleTimeInSeconds = 1800; public function setAuthenticationExpirationTime() { $expirationTime = time() + $this->allowedIdleTimeInSeconds; $authSession = new Container(self::SESSION_CONTAINER_NAME); if( $authSession->offsetExists(self::SESSION_VARIABLE_NAME) ) { $authSession->offsetUnset(self::SESSION_VARIABLE_NAME); } $authSession->offsetSet(self::SESSION_VARIABLE_NAME, $expirationTime); } public function isExpiredAuthenticationTime() { $authSession = new Container(self::SESSION_CONTAINER_NAME); if($authSession->offsetExists(self::SESSION_VARIABLE_NAME)) { $expirationTime = $authSession->offsetGet(self::SESSION_VARIABLE_NAME); return $expirationTime < time(); } return false; } public function clearAuthenticationExpirationTime() { $authSession = new Container(self::SESSION_CONTAINER_NAME); $authSession->offsetUnset(self::SESSION_VARIABLE_NAME); } public function getAuthenticationExpirationTime() { $authSession = new Container(self::SESSION_CONTAINER_NAME); return $authSession->offsetGet(self::SESSION_VARIABLE_NAME); } /** * @param int $allowedIdleTimeInSeconds */ public function setAllowedIdleTimeInSeconds($allowedIdleTimeInSeconds) { $this->allowedIdleTimeInSeconds = $allowedIdleTimeInSeconds; } }
There are couple of methods in this class:
- setAuthenticationExpirationTime – this method gets current time, adds timeout for authentication and stores value in session variable
- isExpiredAuthenticationTime – checks if authentication should expire or not
- clearAuthenticationExpirationTime – removes expiration time from session. This method is called when isExpiredAuthenticationTime will return true or on user logout action
- getAuthenticationExpirationTime – returns authentication expiration time (therefor we can present to user when he will be logged out
- setAllowedIdleTimeInSeconds – setter for idle time with value get ie. from config
Now it’s time to modify Module.php file:
{...} public function getServiceConfig() { return array( {...} 'factories' => array( {...} 'AuthSessionStorage' => function($sm) { $config = $sm->get('config'); $authSessionStorage = new AuthSessionStorage('theName', null, $sm->get('Zend\Session\SessionManager')); $authSessionStorage->setAllowedIdleTimeInSeconds($config['session']['config']['authentication_expiration_time']); return $authSessionStorage; }, 'AuthService' => function($sm) { $authAdapter = new AuthAdapter(); $authAdapter->prepareAdapter($sm->get('Zend\Db\Adapter\Adapter')); $authAdapter->initStorage($sm->get('AuthSessionStorage')); return $authAdapter; }, {...} ) ) } {...}
First we create AuthSessionStorage which gets the value of authentication_expiration_time from config. Then we set this as the storage for the AuthAdapter().
So everything what we need is in the place. Now we can show how to use that features.
I will put a short code snippets with few words of comment to explain how and where to do it. But the implementation is on your side, depending on your application architecture.
Checking if user authentication session is not expired
/** @var AuthSessionStorage $authStorage */ $authStorage = $e->getApplication()->getServiceManager()->get('AuthSessionStorage'); if($authStorage->isExpiredAuthenticationTime()) { $authStorage->clearAuthenticationExpirationTime(); $authStorage->forgetMe(); }
As we can see if the authentication time is expired we immediately clear information about expiration time and call forgetMe() method which is responsible to destroy authentication informations.
Setting/extending authentication session timeout
/** @var AuthSessionStorage $authStorage */ $authStorage = $e->getApplication()->getServiceManager()->get('AuthSessionStorage'); $authStorage->setAuthenticationExpirationTime();
The code above should be put to the part of code where we do user authentication. Once the user is authenticated we should call setAuthenticationExpirationTime() method to set timeout for the user authentication session.
Also this piece of code should be called in the service which is called by onBootstrap where we do check if the user is authenticated and authentication session is not expired.
Getting expiration time for the authentication session timeout
/** @var AuthSessionStorage $authStorage */ $authStorage = $e->getApplication()->getServiceManager()->get('AuthSessionStorage'); $authStorage->getAuthenticationExpirationTime();
This will return expiration time in seconds.
Clearing authentication session expiration time during logout
/** @var AuthSessionStorage $authStorage */ $authStorage = $e->getApplication()->getServiceManager()->get('AuthSessionStorage'); $authStorage->clearAuthenticationExpirationTime();
When the user press logout button on website, the code above should be called together with the authentication information removal.
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Im new to Zend, Wr to create class in zend? Do I need to create seperate module for this?
Thanks to you, I was able to implement authentication session as I wanted. I made this class, inspired by yours, which is simpler because the storage clears itself when needed and it uses session_config configuration keys to populate timeouts. Also, gc_maxlifetime configuration key is was completely ignored by the framework. This class implements it.
For debugging, I made this class very verbose but the logger is optional.