Here is a short code snipped – pure CSS to have the same numer of lines of text across multiple columns. Check this out:
SmartSerializer library for PHP published
I have just published and SmartSerializer library for PHP 8. It is highly dedicated to cooperate with Symfony 6 framework and allows to serialize any object by the customized annotation. See details at:
Time spinner – CSS + JS
I have prepared a code which shows a nice spinner on the page. It contains a central part with some content (in example it is just a timer). Around we have three oval shapes with different opacitiy which spins with
Ubuntu firewalld – few useful commands
If your firewalld is installed, there here are the commands useful in daily management Check state of firewall Start firewall Stop firewall Enable to autostart with system start Add rule for given port number The last line is responsible of
Apache – configure domain with Let’s Encrypt SSL
If you want to configure new domain at your Ubuntu server, here are the steps you neet to follow. Create new Virtual Host configuration First create a configuration file: Then put following configuration to the configuration file: Once it’s done,
Javascript – observe DOM modifications for any element on website
Here is the simple code snippet which allows to observe any DOM modifications for the element on the page. It can be used to check if any asynchronous update was made to the selected part of website.
PostgreSQL 9.5 – use dblink
After instalation of Postgres 9.5 database server dblink function is not available. Trying to use it you will get error message that dblink is an unknown function. So first step is to enable it by following command: As the next
Using Java Melody to monitor methods called internally
Sometimes we can have a code where we have some method which calls a bunch of internal methods one by one. Like in the example below: If we want to monitor the particular class with the Java Melody it’s enough
Mock null value as the parameter of called method (Java 8)
Mockito is a powerful framework, which allows us to mock classes, method behavior etc. Sometimes we would like to mock method call with null value as the parameter. Let’s suppose we have a Foo class which autowires Bar class. We
Google reCAPTCHA – use with PHP
As we take a look on websites, we can easily see that most of them have contact form built in. But having this contact form could switch to huge amount of spam messages sent by using that form. Fortunatelly we
Zend Framework 3: select form field with options fetched from database
Sometimes we have to apply dynamic data (fetched from database) to form fields. Good example is to deliver an option to choose a preferred language during user registration. Let say we have two available languages on the begining, but we